Dongliang Cao

PhD student at the University of Bonn


I am Dongliang Cao, who is the PhD student at University of Bonn under the supervision of Prof. Florian Bernard in the visual computing group. Before that I received my computer science Master’s degree from the Technical University Munich (in 2022) and Bachelor’s degree from Tongji University (in 2019).

My research interest is related to shape analysis, including shape matching, shape generation, shape manipulation. If you have interest to collaborate with me, feel free to contact me.

🔥 News

Jul 01, 2024 Two papers were accepted to ECCV!
May 30, 2024 One paper was accepted to MICCAI!
Feb 28, 2024 Two papers were accepted to CVPR!

📃 Selected publications

  1. Synchronous Diffusion for Unsupervised Smooth Non-Rigid 3D Shape Matching
    Dongliang CaoZorah Laehner, and Florian Bernard
    In ECCV , 2024
  2. Spectral Meets Spatial: Harmonising 3D Shape Matching and Interpolation
    Dongliang CaoMarvin Eisenberger, Nafie El Amrani, Daniel Cremers , and 1 more author
    In CVPR , 2024
  3. Revisiting Map Relations for Unsupervised Non-Rigid Shape Matching
    Dongliang CaoPaul Roetzer, and Florian Bernard
    In 3DV , 2024
  4. Unsupervised learning of robust spectral shape matching
    Dongliang CaoPaul Roetzer, and Florian Bernard
    ACM Transactions on Graphics (ToG), 2023
  5. Self-Supervised Learning for Multimodal Non-Rigid 3D Shape Matching
    Dongliang Cao, and Florian Bernard
    In CVPR (Highlight, 2.5% submissions) , 2023
  6. Unsupervised Deep Multi-Shape Matching
    Dongliang Cao, and Florian Bernard
    In ECCV , 2022